Friday, April 6, 2007

Deck of Me - Week 12

The prompt for week 12 was "I believe . . . " The photo is a bit too shiny, but the card reads "I believe when we are open to the world around us, good things happen."

In the past 4 months, I have been especially affected by the stories of new acquantinces. In other situations, I may not have noticed how similar their experiences were to challenges I was facing in my life. These random conversations with people I met at parties profundly affected central decisions in my life. I began not just to question how I was living my life, but what concrete steps I could take to live the life I imagines. It strikes me how it was much more likely to have an inconsequential conversation in a new social setting. Yet, something drew me to these women with a story to tell. How grateful I am that I listened.

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valerie said...

cool card love the shine and the buttons

Debbie Doughty said...

Mahalo for leaving a comment on my blog :) The "A" is my favorite part of my #13 card, too. I will be falling behind on the challenges while I'm on vacation...I like your card, did you use that shrink plastic stuff? I can't think of the name of it! I like what you did for your color challenges as well. Oh, and good luck with the sugar challenge! That's a tough one!